Based at Yuva Leipzig in the United States and Germany
Yuva Leipzig offers advanced training, workshops and counselling for a trauma-sensitive and trauma-informed approach.
We have developed our own workshop program which is an on-the-spot action learning advanced training and counselling: Our educators go into the communities, and we are geared to the needs of the local participants and support to form alliances, establish and strengthen networks. We have trained hundreds of people, in person and online – in our workshops in Europe, working successfully with national organizations and authorities. And are now set to reach out across the Atlantic Ocean to place a footprint in the USA and are looking for partners.
Trauma education supports everyone who works with and/or lives with children and adults.
It creates awareness for mentally & emotionally challenged and traumatized people and gives security in associating with each other. The approach enables one to discover one’s resources and to make them accessible while at the same time showing opportunities to take good care of oneself and to recognize when specialized trauma professionals are needed. Trauma education is not a therapeutic approach. It enables however to act trauma sensitively. Our vision of Yuva Leipzig is that trauma education – a comparatively young discipline – becomes a mandatory standard in the curriculum of professional educational, medical and welfare training.
Mobile Number :: + 1 8584817683
Email Address ::
Practice Address :: 155 15 th Street Del Mar, CA 92014 USA
Website Address ::
Special Areas of Interest
- Trauma
- Trauma Education
Make A Booking with Kira Kaplan
You can make a booking with Kira at Yuva Leipzig directly by clicking here